Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Lift Podcast is now MoJo For Moms!

Hey guys, quick update for you and a big announcement!

Recently, I was planning out the podcast and focusing on my new word, CONSISTENT. I decided that instead of podcasting sporadically, I was going to commit this fall to podcasting every. single. week. 

So I got on social media, and asked you for topics. And I got so many responses about faith and motherhood and mental health. I decided to produce a podcast series on this topic for The Lift, a series called "MoJo For Moms"... but then I loved the name so much that I decided to change the name of the entire podcast.

So The Lift is officially becoming "MoJo For Moms." It's still the same spot on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, wherever podcasts are found. Check it out and I'll see you there!

This blog, however, is moving. You can find weekly (yes! CONSISTENT!) updates and posts at MoJoForMoms.com.
